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Table 4 Most commonly misreported events by Surgeons (a)

From: Are surgeons and anesthesiologists lying to each other or gaming the system? A national random sample survey about “truth-telling practices” in the perioperative setting in the United States

The estimated length of the surgical portion of a case

8 (7 %)

Intra-operative adverse events, regardless of how minor, or seemingly unimportant

5 (4 %)

Estimated surgical risk

4 (3 %)

The urgency of a case

4 (3 %)

Surgical actions that impacted vital signs (e.g. pushing on the heart, releasing a vascular clamp)

3 (2 %)

A patient’s co-morbidities

3 (2 %)

The estimated length of the surgical portion of a case

3 (2 %)

Your unavailability to do a case

3 (2 %)