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Table 2 Severity of adverse events (AEs) and preventablea AEs in orthopedic care and other specialties

From: Adverse events in orthopedic care identified via the Global Trigger Tool in Sweden – implications on preventable prolonged hospitalizations

Severity category

AEs in orthopedic care n (%)

AEs in other specialties excluding orthopedic care n (%)

Preventablea AEs in orthopedic care n (%)

Preventablea AEs in other specialties excluding orthopedic care n (%)

Category E

509 (54)

2557 (50)

385 (76)

1553 (61)

Category F

401 (42)

2306 (45)

283 (71)

1369 (59)

Category G

30 (3)

116 (2)

24 (80)

63 (54)

Category H

5 (1)

30 (1)

3 (60)

19 (63)

Category I

5 (1)

112 (2)

2 (40)

64 (57)


950 (100)

5121 (100)

697 (73)

3052 (60)

  1. aincluding both probably preventable and preventable AEs
  2. E contributed to or gave temporary harm that needed intervention, F contributed to or gave temporary harm and required outpatient care, hospital care or prolonged hospital stay, G contributed to or gave permanent patient harm, H lifesaving intervention required within 60 min, I contributed to patient’s death
  3. The table is sorted on the column AEs in orthopaedic care n (%)