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Table 2 Head-to-Head Comparisons between gravity irrigation (GI), low pulsatiles (LP) and high pulsatile (HP) values, statistical comparision via Student’s t-test

From: Comparing the speed of irrigation between pulsatile lavage versus gravity irrigation: an Ex-vivo experimental investigation

Head-to-Head Comparison

p value (t-test)

GI6 vs. GI9

p < 0.001

LP6 vs. LP9

p = 0.15

HP9 vs. HP9

p = 0.74

GI6 vs, LP6

p < 0.001

GI6 vs. HP6

p = 0.002

GI9 vs.LP9

p < 0.0001

GI9 vs. HP9

p = 0.0003

LP6 vs. HP6

p = 0.0006

LP9 vs. HP9

p < 0.0001

  1. GI6 gravity irrigation at 6 ft, GI9 gravity irrigation at 9 ft, LP6 low-pressure pulse lavage at 6 ft, LP9 low-pressure pulse lavage at 9 ft, HP6 high-pressure pulse lavage at 6 ft, HP9 high-pressure pulse lavage at 9 ft