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Table 1 Demographics and clinical variability of examined patients with recurrent herniated disc after a lumbar disectomy

From: Incidence of early postoperative complications requiring surgical revision for recurrent lumbar disc herniation after spinal surgery: a retrospective observational study of 9,310 patients from the German Spine Register


Early Lumbar Disc Herniation recurrence


115/9310 (1.2%)

 Gender (m/f)


 Age (years) (Median, range)

70 ± 2.50

Body Mass Index (BMI)

  < 20 (Underweight)

4 (3.5%)

 20–25 (Normal weight)

45 (39%)

 26–30 (Overweight)

45 (39%)

 31–35 (Obesity grade 1)

19 (16.8%)

  > 35 (Obesity grade 2)

2 (1.7%)

Affected segment


45 (39%)


47 (41%)


23 (20%)

Intraoperative complications


20 (17.6%)

Postoperative complications

 CSF Leakage

3 (2.6%)

Symptoms relief

 1. Complete

84 (82%)

 2. Partial

18 (17%)

 3. None

1 (0.09%)