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Table 1 Control group conclusion vs. teach-back group conclusion

From: The “teach-back” method improves surgical informed consent and shared decision-making: a proof of concept study

Control Conclusion

 1. “What questions do you have?

 2. Answer questions

 3. “Do you consent to the procedure?”

Teach-back Conclusion

 1. “I want to make sure I explained this to you well, to do so, in your own words will you please state back to me what you understand about the risks, benefits, and alternatives to having gallbladder removal surgery?”

 2. Listen to the patient

3. “Thank you for your response. I would like to clarify some key points.”

 4. Expound upon key points and make specific corrections

 5. “Again, I want to make sure I explained this well. Now that we have clarified some key points, would you again repeat back what you understand about the risks, benefits, and alternatives to having gallbladder removal surgery?”

 6. Listen to the patient

 7. Thank the patient and clear up any final misunderstandings.

 8. “Do you consent to the procedure?”