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Table 3 Logistic regression model for specific outcome measures

From: The Rothman Index predicts unplanned readmissions to intensive care associated with increased mortality and hospital length of stay: a propensity-matched cohort study




30-Day Readmission

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

ICU Return vs. No ICU Return

12.707 (4.229–38.183)

3.440 (1.540–7.681)

1.656 (0.914–3.003)

Female vs. Male

0.799 (0.376–1.697)


1.168 (0.632–2.160)

Urgent/Emergent vs. Elective Admission

2.675 (0.732–9.781)

1.732 (0.540–5.561)

0.713 (0.329–1.545)

Trauma vs. Elective Admission

2.348 (0.494–11.162)

0.752 (0.144–3.917)

0.520 (0.158–1.708)

Surgical vs. Medical Admission

0.431 (0.192–0.970)

0.493 (0.214–1.135)

0.783 (0.381–1.608)

First RI Score

0.988 (0.970–1.005)

0.971 (0.952–0.991)

0.999 (0.986–1.013)

Age (Years)

1.034 (1.004–1.064)

1.022 (0.993–1.051)

0.981 (0.960–1.002)

COVID-19 Positive

1.733 (0.512–5.860)

0.653 (0.133–3.209)

1.059 (0.263–4.262)

Charlson Comorbidity Index

1.057 (0.900–1.243)

1.165 (1.002–1.355)

1.157 (1.000–1.338)

  1. Abbreviations CI, 95% confidence interval; COVID-19, Coronavirus disease 2019; ICU, intensive care unit; OR, odds ratio; RI, Rothman Index